1. Information provided to our clients about a candidate’s employment history, qualifications and salary requirements will be stated as accurately and fully as possible, or as requested.
2. We will never withhold any material candidate information which an employer would reasonably consider to be essential to its hiring decision.
3. Candidate resumes will be submitted only with proper authorization from our clients in advance.
4. Confidential information relating to our client’s business, which may be imparted to us as an aid to the effective handling of job requirements, will be treated with utmost care.
5. Direct mail, bulletins, or resumes presented to our clients will represent bona fide candidates.
6. Memoranda of reference checks and degree verifications submitted to our clients will be accurate and complete in all material respects.
7. Candidates placed with our clients will never be solicited for any other positions while still in the employ of our client, unless circumstances lead us to reasonably believe that such a restriction is no longer expected by our client (e.g., merger or office closure). If a candidate requests our assistance in seeking new employment, we will seriously counsel the candidate to make every effort to resolve issues and remain with their current employer.
8. Southeast TAX Connection is committed to ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, national origin, veteran status, non-job related disability, or membership in any other protected class.