1. You will not be charged a fee for any services provided with respect to your career search. Southeast TAX Connection is a fee-based recruiter paid by our clients, the hiring companies.
2. Your resume will never be presented to one of our client companies before we disclose the name of the company to you and obtain your express permission in advance.
3. We carefully document your preferred methods of communication such as cell phone and personal e-mail. We will avoid contacting you at your office without your permission.
4. Resumes and information you provide to us will be used only for the purpose of securing employment for you, or for screening your background to match open positions. Your confidential information will always be treated with utmost care.
5. Information we provide to you about our clients and current opportunities will be the most accurate information known to us. Southeast TAX Connection will never withhold material employer information which a candidate would reasonably consider essential to their hiring decision.
6. Southeast TAX Connection will refer candidate resumes to companies only for job openings for which we have received authorization for the company to submit resumes for the opening.
7. All open jobs posted by Southeast TAX Connection in advertisements, job boards, or direct mail are actual job opening for which we have received authorization from the client to market the opening.
8. Precaution will be taken against referring any candidate to a company which is known to Southeast TAX Connection to engage in illegal or questionable business practices.
9. Your recruiter at Southeast TAX Connection will make every effort to provide you with timely feedback on the results of each opening for which you have authorized us to present you.
10. At Southeast TAX Connection, we emphasize a consultative and supportive approach to understanding your career objectives and helping you achieve career success over a long-term perspective.